We suck at being perfect
Spill our coffee on the carpet
Forget to feed our sweet, sweet cat

We only serve some crumbles
Of our hearts deep inside
So no one knows when we stumble
And pretend we’re alright

We run these streets faster and faster
To avoid the mess we make
Our pockets full of proper answers
So no one questions our faith

But folks let us remind you
We suck at being perfect
Spill our coffee on the carpet
Forget to feed our sweet, sweet cat for a week

We mess up all our promises
Eat bad things that we can’t resist
We’re all a bit damaged, band-aids all around

I bought a mask next door
To hide the fears on my face
We buy masks to make sure
That we can face another day

But I found out, it makes us all the same

We are all people, trying the best we can
We are all seeking for love and connection
Let’s be brave with our hearts
Face your fears my friend

Again and again and again
And again and again and again

Even if we suck at being perfect
Spill our coffee on the carpet
Forget to feed our sweet, sweet cat for a week
We miss our best friend’s birthday
Can’t tell the last time we’ve prayed
Curse drivers on the highway
Why can’t they drive
Can we leave our ‘trying-to-be-perfect’ behind

Oh, can we please stop hiding our flaws
—and be alive

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